Tuesday, December 20, 2005

If you want file level permissions what about...

Using IRM this is a server component and also requires that the users have a client app installing but it does allowing the setting of all sorts of permissions to individual office 2003 documents. See for yourself at the microsoft site or here, for a longing discussion

Also there is an intriguing powerpoint presentation introducing some of the issues of IRM and office 2003

Monday, December 19, 2005

Tools that save time

stsadm for windows is a handy tool which saves you the bother of learning the command line.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Building sharepoint sites from command line

Build your sharepoint installation from commands, either use STSADM

to make a new user(s) stsadm createuser
to add them to sites and groups stsadm adduser

to add a site stsadm createsite
to add a subsite stsdmin createweb
various classes can be called to create additional features areas for example:
the SDK has the skinny

or maybe you could use the webservices that sharepoint exposes:
  • http://server:5966/_vti_adm/Admin.asmx - Administrative methods such as creating and deleting sites

  • http://server/_vti_bin/Alerts.asmx - Methods for working with alerts

  • http://server/_vti_bin/DspSts.asmx - Methods for retrieving schemas and data

  • http://server/_vti_bin/DWS.asmx - Methods for working with Document Workspaces

  • http://server/_vti_bin/Forms.asmx - Methods for working with user interface forms

  • http://server/_vti_bin/Imaging.asmx - Methods for working with picture libraries

  • http://server/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx - Methods for working with lists

  • http://server/_vti_bin/Meetings.asmx - Methods for working with Meeting Workspaces

  • http://server/_vti_bin/Permissions.asmx - Methods for working with SharePoint Services security

  • http://server/_vti_bin/SiteData.asmx - Methods used by Windows SharePoint Portal Server

  • http://server/_vti_bin/Sites.asmx - Contains a single method to retrieve site templates

  • http://server/_vti_bin/UserGroup.asmx - Methods for working with users and groups

  • http://server/_vti_bin/versions.asmx - Methods for working with file versions

  • http://server/_vti_bin/Views.asmx - Methods for working with views of lists

  • http://server/_vti_bin/WebPartPages.asmx - Methods for working with Web Parts

  • http://server/_vti_bin/Webs.asmx - Methods for working with sites and subsites

Monday, November 28, 2005

More useful things

Probable problems and possible solutions to uploading document properties from mr fear and loathing

ifilter for .dwg file

if you want to make ifilter file properties available to search, this should do the trick

If you've messed everything up and want to reset everything back to the default template, here's how, using the raw SQL, from google groups

interesting,but pricey doc management solutions

oooh and ahhh at the these document management tool from sharevis

What I'm assuming is the budget option is here called securedoc from a company called optimusBT

budget document library explorer webpart from lucas technology

SQL search tool the search is over

V interesting article from tame microsoft wonk which gives lots of useful info about rejigging the search tool by tweaking the sql query that it generates

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Handy questionnaire from that nice Heather Solomon to acertain what sort of sharepoint installation you might want to use

Matt Marden has a similar but briefer list.

Tiny tricks

How to import from AD and keep the disabled users out from those nice people at Msd2d

Remove the add item box, Heather solomon has a trick to do

Two must read articles regarding the ifilter pdf viewer 555209 and 832809

Monday, October 24, 2005

Come see the css wonder!

James Milne has a fantastic sharepoint CSS tweak tool, see it and weep.

If you need to choose a colour scheme look no further, very nice little tool, from www.wellstyled.com

Integration of exchange and sharepoint

Not difficult, just use the exchange web parts, those nice people at microsoft have the info here

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Useful but not free web parts

Searchable address book, from a company called Apeture hmmm interesting

wiki web part

Some ideas toward a wiki web part this one uses word and the dataview web part.

The Xwiki site is build on sharepoint and seems to use a wiki like model which is pretty cool

Thursday, August 11, 2005

code security and web parts

Jan Tielman's blog has an excellent set of work-rounds for getting you web parts work.

The long way round is described by Microsoft "Microsoft windows sharepoint services and code access security"

For ASP.NET you could also try looking at "Using code access security with ASP.NET" patterns and practices

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Applying a custom style sheet to sharepoint.

  1. Take a copy of the original style sheet, this means that you don't have to build the whole thing from scratch, for instructions click here

  2. Rename and copy this to the
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\template\layouts\1033\STYLES 

  3. Edit the new style sheet, in FrontPage, for help try this

  4. Then goto sharepoint and tell it about the new template

    1. Select "Site Settings" from your portal

    2. Click on "Change portal site properties and SharePoint site creation settings" from the General Settings section

    3. Use the path /_layouts/1033/styles/your file name goes here

    4. Click OK to save the changes

  5. That's it

Monday, June 20, 2005

create personal site programmatically

Need to create lots of sites for users, but don't want to wait for them to login.... try the me vs sharepoint site

Problems with explorer views

Have a look at 841215 on the microsoft site, XP SP2 disables webdav, which will cause you trouble.

This trick comes courtesy of Matt Muller site, which looks very useful.

Importing documents into sharepoint

The people at Vyapin for a price have a tool.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Moving sharepoint around

Using SQL to do the backup and restore seems to be the better method,than using the backup and restore within Sharepoint itself. so here's the skinny from microsoft

To instal sharepoint with SQL on a different box, here is the recipe.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

File level restore in sharepoint

Out the box, you can only restore sites, but you could use this little article to rejig the SQL back end to create a recycle bin, again those nice people at MSD2D come up with the goods

Microsoft now has an undelete web part and its only 68k! wow thanks microsoft

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Using .CAB files to deploy webparts

It beats the hell out of it deploying web parts the old fashioned way, i.e. compiling the .dll and putting it in the .bin and all the rest of it.

Those boys and girls at MSD2D have an interesting solution using .CAB files

Monday, March 14, 2005

guismigrate: its a cracker

If you're suffering with smigrate try this handy guismigrate tool, its also generates log files in useable formats

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Breadcrumbs and more in sharepoint

Do you find sharepoint navigation a little bit annoying, for example why do I need to go the top right of the page to go up the tree of sites, well as luck would have it, the belgian bomber has done it again with this breadcrumb web part for you to use and enjoy.

Security problems....

The problem as related in MSD2D
"Site groups are automatically applied to the portal’s home area and therefore the whole portal if the sub-area’s security setting is not changed. Moreover, sub-area cannot contain site groups that are not applied to the parent area. This is due to the fact that an area inherits either all or part of the site groups applied to the parent area"
So in the instance that a user is a reader at the home area but admin further down, what can you do?. Well what about
"...creating a security group in AD. In the portal’s “manage users” page, set “domain users” as readers. This will give all the domain users reader’s permission. Then in the “topics\divisions\sales” area’s “Manage Security Settings” page, assign administration permission to domain group “Sales”. After these steps, every member of the “Sales” group will have administrator’s permission regarding “topics\divisions\sales” area and reader’s permission regarding other areas. Later you can add or remove members to or from the “Sales” group to assign or revoke administration permissions to or from actual windows accounts".

Monday, March 07, 2005

mobile users can sychronize off-line content

Digilink seem to have an interesting, and reasonably priced product for allowing the synchronization of data saved offline with sharepoint portal and windows sharepoint services called revelation.

Multi-page surveys how-to

Ted Teng at Msd2d has a trick for tweaking a survey to make it run across multiple pages

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Web parts in standard forms

Why can't an administrator have web part gallery access in their standard forms? Well you can, those nice people at MSD2D have a solution which they call a 'Web part farm'

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Want to create ASP.NET's on a box that has sharepoint installed?

Two tricks. If the ASP.NET is to work within sharepoint then create the webapplication within /_layouts directory


If you don't want anything to do with sharepoint, you'll find your sharepoint errors out, so you need to set up an 'excluded managed path' See more in admin help pages.
Go to Sharepoint Central Administration
Configure virtual server settings from the virtual server list page
Choose a virtual server
Choose Define Managed paths
and you can exclude a particular virtual directory (amongst other things) from being managed within sharepoint. Upshot you can create an ASP.NET app that has nothing to do with sharepoint.

CAML in the desert

Collaborative Apllication Markup language is what you've been thirsting for, as the microsoft site has it:
Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) is the XML-based language that is used to build and customize Web sites based on SharePoint™ Team Services from Microsoft®.

CAML can be used to do the following:

* Provide schema definition to the Web site provisioning system about how the site looks and acts.
* Define views and forms for data and page rendering or execution.
* Act as a rendering language that performs functions in the DLL like pulling a value from a particular field.
* Provide batch functionality for posting multiple commands to the server using protocol.

Why would you use CAML as opposed to just using Microsoft FrontPage® or other editing tools?

* To make universal changes, such as adding a new logo to the main pages of every site you create.
* To define a content type, such as for adding Flash movies to the SharePoint team Web site.
* It provides the ultimate in customization and flexibility; manipulating CAML allows you total control over the site provisioning system, for instance, when creating a list or adding a view.

read the whole article

Patrick Tisseghem's : Belgian Bomber

If you don't know, its probably on this blog Also he's a Galaxy 500 fan, in shorts he's an all round good egg.

Put down your web parts!

No more brain ache with web parts instead use user controls!! (that's right the really easy one's to use) and get SMARTPART to do the work for you.

Version of smartparts which allows connectable web parts to be created with user controls and has sorted out some security issues....read more from the man Jan to whom we're all so grateful

A microsoft article written again by Jan Tielens giving all the inside track


Install webparts across mulitple servers, use wpackager at the microsoft site

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

open web part links in a new window.

If you need to open links in a new windows those nice people at msd2d have the answer:

This is a no-brainer... I have struggled to figure out how to have my links open in a new browser window and some of the examples I could find out there really looked tough, but thankfully this was far easier that I originally thought. Maybe this will help somebody else. Just create your links list, open the page that has the list view on it in FrontPage and right-click on the list, and click “Convert to XSLT Data View“. After it is converted, you can simply right-click on one of the links and select “Hyperlink Properties” and change the target frame according to your preference

see the whole article here, you may need to register

Friday, January 28, 2005

Getting Usage Statistics on Sharepoint Portal 2003 Areas

This comes from this microsoft blog

"There are pages available in Windows SharePoint Services that will allow you to obtain usage statistics for WSS Sites. However, this is not the case for Areas in SharePoint Portal Server 2003. There are no built-in hyperlinks in the Admin pages for viewing usage statistics for a give Area.

Does this mean that usage statistics are not available for Areas in SPS 2003? No, it just means that you have to know a backdoor URL to get to the pages that display the stats. Here is the format of the URL:

http://{your portal name}/_layouts/1033/usageDetails.aspx

This URL will take you to a usage statistics page for the Home Area of your portal. (Note: the 1003 is the designator for you language, so it will be different if not using U.S. English).

If you want to look at usage statistics for a Subarea, for instance, News, you would modify the URL to look as follows:

http://{your portal name}/News/_layouts/1033/usageDetails.aspx"

Microsoft eat their own dog food!

Why hasn't Microsoft designed its site in Sharepoint? they have and they call the process eating our own dog food, see how it tastes, I think you'll find it's chock full of tasty morsels of sharepoint information.

Style sheets and accessibility

Each user can have their own choice of style sheet with which, for example, they could get a personalized view of sharepoint. How!? you cry, in I.E. you can specify a bespoke style sheet for your users, see how here.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Need a help file for users to understand the basics of sharepoint?

Here is a help file from Microsoft for non-technical users to aid them in performing those everyday tasks

Want to customize just about anything in sharepoint portal?

Look no further than this microsoft articledescribing the SPS CSS style sheet reference.

sharepoint SDK and code example

Sharepoint SDK and handy C# code examples, there's talk of them eventually doing them in VB.NET. Check out the skinny on editing templates and themes.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

User training and sharepoint

What about showing users how to do what they want within sharepoint using captivate by macromedia. This could be used to create walk-throughs demonstrating the process of creating areas, lists and so forth.