Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Wiki vs Sharepoint

An argument between some open-source Wiki enthusiasts and Sharepoint portal prognosticators who will win, you be judge

Web part library add-on for visual studio


Is SPS and XP SP2 a good idea?

Well the story is a little mixed but Paul Thurrot has done a survey see what you think.

Don't forget if you've got XP SP2 and Virtual PC 2004 you'll need to put on SP1 for PC 2004

Beautiful CSS design

A list apart will show you how to create cross browser enabled, usability aware cascading style sheets. In particular check out their sliding doors example.

As a weary coder you may find consolation at the Zen Garden

Need economical bullshit?

Look no further

Monday, December 06, 2004

Where's the HTML viewer then?

Its here

what's the difference between spin.exe and spout.exe

As the rwhitepaper advanced migration scenarios says:

"The two document library migration tools developed by Microsoft are Spout.exe and Spin.exe. Spout.exe, the Document Library Export Tool, is a Microsoft Windows program that reads Web Storage System–based document libraries and exports (or outputs) the selected content as a collection of files in a format that is understood by the import program. Spin.exe, the Document Library Import Tool, is a Windows command-line program that reads the collection of files created by Spout.exe and adds the documents and associated descriptive information to the selected portal area, portal site, team site, or personal Web site on the server running SharePoint Portal Server 2003"

stsadmn getting you down?

Try this GUI from microsoft

or read this article which should help understanding the backup scenarios that it can be used within

xtra office web parts

For free and gratis web parts to allow pivot tables in sharepoint and much much more.

SQL query your SPS using natural language queries...

Microsoft SharePointPSSearch SQL Syntax Get at the SQL syntax to build your own search based functionality.

RSS feeder web part

This smiling goat provides an RSS feeder and from what it looks like some other interesting web part related things.

Undeleters and Document management add-ons

sharepoint experts so they would have you believe, home of the 'power recycyler' tool, which pretty much as its name suggests undeletes data deleted from sharepoint portal server.

NintexA horrible looking site, but powerful tools allowing undeleting, audit trails and oh so much more.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

web parts partially demystified

web part checklist A web part checklist before you can trully say 'it works.'

Useful links

SPS FAQ A Very useful site, which contains links to useful information on the microsoft site

Windows sharepoint demo lots of information though the article about editing the links template is enigmatic.

Sharepoint customizationDon't be put off by the lurid colour nor the Front page logo there is some solid informtion about sharepoint just bejond the first page.

Eric's links has some links that he would like to share and we thank him for them.

A microsoft wonks blog but hey its full of useful information, so who are we to complain.

Another microsoft employee's sharepoint centric weblog Userful webparts given away for free and gratis who could ask for anything more.